
White Supremacist™ Bird Names Slated For Eradication
St. George died for your sins, and He commandeth it be so.
WATCH: Hillary Clinton, Stalin in Pantsuit, Calls For ‘Total Control’ of Social Media
America’s most notorious and unsavory mule dyke refuses to go away.
“Over 1000 DEAD!” Biden Gives BILLIONS to Ukraine While North Carolina DEVASTATED
https://youtu.be/svDnsduKobE   Summary Biden's prioritization of a $2.4 billion aid package for Ukraine over inadequate support for Hurricane Helena victims[...]
#Bodypositivity Roundup: ‘Fat Microaggressions’
Documenting the meatiest, juiciest cuts of “fat acceptance” propaganda from corporate and social media.
Shock Study Finds SIX-FOLD Increased Death Rate in COVID-Vaxxed Kids
COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Radio Rothbard: Cronyism and Historical Revisionism
https://youtu.be/ipbtfeFs5eE   Summary Historical revisionism reveals the complex interplay between state and corporate interests, challenging mainstream narratives and emphasizing the[...]
LGBTQ™ Propaganda Roundup: Top French Rainbow Activist Charged With Abusing Developmentally Disabled Toddler
LGBTQ™ Propaganda Roundup: Nip/tucking the latest social engineering fisted from on high upon the American public.
Social Justice™ Trollop Gets State Money to Run Food Pantry, Denies Whites Service, Cites ‘Food Apartheid’
Keiko apparently doesn’t understand what the term “apartheid” actually means.
Thomas Sowell: Our Declining Society Celebrates Attention-Getters
https://youtu.be/BEm18You_3g   Summary Society's growing obsession with attention-seeking behaviors undermines the value of genuine accomplishments and meaningful contributions to progress[...]
Study: American Healthcare Sucks Hard
$4.5 trillion per year — 16.5% of the entire GDP — to live sicker and die faster than any modern nation.
COVID Roundup: Bill Would Force Pfizer to Cough Up Compensation For Victims of Its Vaxx Fraud
COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Lookout Don’t Look Up
Phone addiction is the most powerful drug on earth. Originally published via Creed Speech Substack. Is the art of conversation[...]
Kamala’s White Cucks Push ‘Positive, Multiracial, Feminist Democracy Narrative’
After bashing them for their immutable characteristics in the most explicit and vicious terms for decades now, Democrats have apparently decided they need Deplorable votes.
‘The Anti-Fluoride People Are Like the ‘Anti-Vaccine People’: New York Town Announces Water De-Fluoridation Against Pressure
Citing the federal court ruling I reported on a few days ago, Yorktown, New York Supervisor Ed Lachterman has suspended the city’s fluoridation program.
Defensive Gun Use Statistics: America’s Life-Saving Gun Incidents (2024)
Do guns save lives in America? Read the latest data on defensive gun uses here.
VIDEO: John Kerry Goes to War With First Amendment, Calls it ‘Major Block’ to Censorship Regime
This election, Deep State goblin John Kerry explains at the World Economic Forum, will determine whether he and his comrades can garner “enough votes” to “hammer” the First Amendment “out of existence.”
Fake ‘Ghost’ Job Posts
Spotting fake job 'ghost' listings, plus tips on job hunting and interviews... Originally published via Creed Speech Substack. As suggested[...]
Trump Threatens to Prosecute Google For Election-Rigging, Corporate Media Plays Dumb
A free lesson in reporting from an untrained dissident journalist slaving away in relative obscurity in the nether-regions of the web
Against the Hamiltonian Statecraft
https://youtu.be/JUZPTXn_i7Q   Summary The critique of Hamiltonian statecraft advocates for a return to free market principles in U.S. foreign policy[...]
British Couple Fined £3,000 After Reporting Migrant They Found in the Back of Their Van
Somehow, the Polish — who apparently don’t sufficiently respect Diversity™ and its many blessings — don’t seem to have the same kind of problems.
NIH Caught Funneling Millions of Dollars in Public Money to Fund Chinese Dog Torture
Another bombshell investigation by the crack team of sleuths at White Coat Waste Project